September 19, 2024

GPHA Minutes September 19, 2024

Board Members:
Dave, Jed, Lisa

Dave Montgomery

Call to Order: 7:05

Recurring Business:

Treasurers Report:

  • bank balance = $39,661.96
  • Late statements went out July
  • Next batch going out in October

Design Review:

  • None

Ongoing and New Business:

Fire House discussion

  • Dave to reach out to city for guidance/assistance.

Future meetings

  • To be held at Sixth City, pending owner approval.
  • At least one at a restaurant to encourage resident attendance.
  • Change to quarterly?

Walkthrough follow-up

  • 71 letters sent. A handful of complaints and questions.
  • Discussion on basketball poles, garbage cans, and satellite dishes.
  • Secondary walkthrough to check houses that had violations.
  • Dave to then send secound round of letters with direction to email us when they’ve completed tasks.


  • We need resident feedback before writing a policy.
  • Discussion on potential policy.
  • Tom and Dave to doublecheck requirements for changing bylaws.

Idea of sending postcard to neighborhood with general information and action items

  • One-page newsletter with yearly bill.
  • Interest gathering for sheds.
  • Announcement for new Garden Policy.

Ice Cream Social feedback

  • Comparable attendance to last year.
  • Product was good.
  • Need for permit next year.

Landscaping contracts

  • Received contact from Davey.
  • Questionable if they are fulfilling duties.
  • Jed to write up new bid to send around.
  • Need to bid out for next year.

Yearly Budget for 2025

  • Dave to write.

Research on management companies

  • Full managment companies are very expensive.
  • Accounting agency is more affordable.
  • Jed to research and make bids for accounttants.

Ideas to improve neighborhood (carryover from last month)

  • Halloween party?
  • Bowling
  • Wine and paint

Need for resident support (carryover from last month)

  • Website ideas
  • Facebook activity
  • “Have an idea?” form on site
  • etc.

Next meeting – At Brewsters, sometime in early December

Meeting Adjourned: 8:15

June 11th, 2024

GPHA Minutes June 11th, 2024

Board Members:
Dave, Jed, Lisa

Kathy Bender, Dave Montgomery, Eugene & Ingrid Mourzine

Call to Order: 7:02

Recurring Business:

Treasurers Report:
– Jed forgot, oops.
– Roughly a dozen late fee notices went out
– – Next round to go out in July

Design Review:
– Parkland house: Addition: Approved

Old Business:

All passwords and access have been updated to Dave and/or Jed

Future meetings at the Community Center will cost $25
– Approved to spend
– Possibly start at 6:30 instead of 7:00

Maintenance Walkthrough
– Discussion on revisions to Policy
– – Second revision to be completed
– Week of 6/24
– – Put up signboard 6/19
– – Post on Facebook 6/19

Garage Sale
– Need to put times on entrance signs

– Reach out to “neighbors” page and ask for admin

Ice Cream Social
– Send contract to Pop CLE

Garden Policy
– Discussion on new Policy
– – Send revised version to board email, post ASAP

Kamen & Cuisimano
– Come in for live session
– – Executive Session only
– – Week of 7/29?
– Have people send in questions

Davey Tree
– Complaints of late mowing and gardening
– Dave to get contract to turn into bid for other companies

New and Ongoing Business:

Idea of sending postcard to neighborhood with general information and action items
– One-page newsletter?

Ideas to improve neighborhood (carryover from last month)
– Halloween party?
– Bowling
– Wine and paint

Need for resident support (carryover from last month)
– Website ideas
– Facebook activity
– “Have an idea?” form on site
– etc.

Next meeting – September sometime

Meeting Adjourned: 7:58

May 5th, 2024

GPHA Minutes May 5th, 2024

Board Members:
Dave, Jed, Lisa

Call to Order:

Recurring Business:

Treasurers Report:
– Still getting into Quickbooks capabilities, but numbers look good

Design Review:
– Privacy fence
– – Possibly require neighbor’s approval? No, would become problematic.
– – Suggest trees instead?
– – – Finish discussion offline
– Resident – replacing deck board and railing
– – Approved pending application submission
– Dave’s deck
– – Approved
– Resident – new fence
– – Application tentatively approved, Board to discuss after

Old Business:

Password changes on Bank, Kaman & Cuisimano, Quickbooks
– QB will hopefully be resolved once form is submitted to remove Dennis
– – Need to pay yearly bill
– – Set up autopay?
– Bank – Jed to speak with bank to be assigned as ‘superuser’ on account

Gmail account has been shared to all board members

Stationery made

Future meeting location – To be at the Community Center?
– Dave to look into further
– Once or twice a year at a restaurant

Maintenance walkthrough – June
– Need to revise letter that is sent out
– Put up sign beforehand to let residents know it is coming
– Possibly send mailer as well? Dave to look into cost for bulk mailing

Resident idea to establish email list of residents

Two houses of concern
– House that was on fire
– Parkland house
– – Dave reached out to both, no response. Will look into next steps

Garage Sale
– June 7-8 – Friday night 6-8 – all day Saturday 8-3
– Lisa got form, Dave will fill out and return

Ice Cream Social
– August 18 – 6-8
– – Jed reached out to two venders, will continue to gather information
– Resident suggestion – Mitchells, Ritas (in Streetsboro), Strickland

Garden Policy
– Need for resident survey
– – Dave to polish his version, Jed to put on facebook for basic survey
– Points of contention
– – Fence styles, size, material
– – – eight feet
– – Location on property
– – No visible equipment
– – Clearing bed by certain time of year

House with improperly cleared trees
– Board to discuss online

Solar Panel Policy
– No need for written policy
– Subject to Design Review

New and Ongoing Business:

Davey Tree behind schedule
– We need to quote for other companies
– We’re paid through this year
– – Resident suggested Reynolds
– Dave to send proposals out

Discussion on board communication
– emails to residents should go through the official gmail account with no personal signature

Ideas to improve the neighborhood
– Food truck
– Holiday get-togethers
– – Special Halloween
– – Parade

Need for more resident support
– Facebook postings
– Letterboard
– Mailings during the year?
– “Have an idea?” form on website
– tease opportunities for stuff like the block party

Discussion on sheds and amending bylaws

Next meeting – June 11

Meeting Adjourned: 8:30

April 9, 2024 Executive Session

GPHA Minutes April 9, 2024
Executive Session

Board Members:
Dave, Jed, Lisa, Tom


Call to Order:

Recurring Business:

  • Treasurers Report:
  • Design Review:
    – 10056 – New Deck – Approved
    – 10061 – Basketball Hoop – Approved
  • Website Update:

New and Ongoing Business:

  • Nominations for Offices
    – President – Dave
    – Treasurer – Jed
    – Secretary – Jed
    – Design Review – Dave, Jed, Lisa, Tom
  • Delineation of duties
    – Answering emails from residents – Jed
    – Answering contacts from official sources – Dave
    – P.O. Box – Dave, Jed
    – Scheduling room for meetings – Dave
  • Maintenance Walkthrough (June)
    – Dave to put up letterboard sign before
    – Mailed postcard?
    – Facebook posting
  • Activity on Facebook account
    – Jed to spearhead
  • House with fire
    – Dave to reach out for a status update
  • Andover house with a lot of stuff in driveway all the time
    – Dave to look into
  • Outsourcing Treasurur duties
    – Szweda Consulting – $90/hr
    – Dave and Jed to investigate needs
    – – Set up online payment portal
  • Jed to handle Ice Cream Social (Aug 18)
  • Dave and Jed to handle garage sale (June 7-8, 6-9 and 9-3)
    – Dave – city permit
    – Lisa – advertising in papers
    – Jed – sign-up form, map, banner for facebook
  • Late fee notices sent out at end of March (by Dennis)

Action Items:

  • Dave to change all passwords, emails, and phone numbers on all accounts
  • Dave and Jed to remove Dennis from bank account and add themselves – Jed to be primary user
  • Dave and Jed to remove Dennis from Quickbooks and add themselves – Jed to be primary administrator
  • Dave to update Kamen & Cuisimano to remove Dennis and add Jed
  • Jed to share access to email account with Board
  • Jed to share logo file for Dave to make stationary

Meeting Adjourned: 7:45

January 29, 2024

GPHA Minutes January 29, 2024

Location: Center on the Square
Attendees: Board Members: Dennis Kaplan, Dave Allerton, Lisa Light
Residents: Mr. and Mrs. John Nowak

  1. Call to order 7:02
  2. Minutes for December 11 2023; approved
  3. Communication
    • Treasurer’s Report was reviewed by Dennis. Balance is $35,244.42

New Business

  1. Solar Panels: No discussion.
  2. Vegetable Gardens: No discussion.
  3. 9972 Parkland: Now going with standard asphalt shingles rather than metal.
  4. Garage Sale: Second weekend in June; Lisa will look into permit.
  5. Ice Cream Social: August 18th.
  6. Miscellaneous:
    • Dennis is moving, possibly within several months. Will need new board president as well as treasurer.
    • John Nowak introduced his painting company and stated his availability.

Next meeting: 3/18/24

Adjournment 7:30

Action Items:

  • Lisa to look into permit for garage sale.

December 11, 2023

GPHA Minutes December 11, 2023

Location: Center on the Square
Attendees: Board Members: Dennis Kaplan, Tom Weirich, Dave Allerton, Lisa Light

  1. Call to order 7:00
  2. Minutes for November 11 2023; approved
  3. Communication Treasurer’s Report was reviewed by Dennis. Balance is $30,166.66.
    • delinquent dues total this year

New Business

  1. Solar Panels: No discussion
  2. Vegetable Gardens: Discussion on where gardens should be placed. Agreed that nearer the house rather than out in the middle of the yard is better aesthetics for neighbors in the back. Also, re-word the item about tools. Plan is to publish the policy in March/April and enforce in existing gardens. Perhaps allow side yard gardens if masked by landscaping
  3. Discussed 12/9 email from [redacted] complaint about a number of houses that do not appear to be compliant with policy, and their concern that board is not enforcing it. Dennis discussed that we indeed have a process for such properties, and are in the process of addressing some of the issues.
  4. Discussion on 9972 Parkland design review. Board approved it providing fasteners of metal roofing are not visible, i.e., smooth ridges.
  5. 9906 Parkland window design approved
  6. Miscellaneous:
    • Fence along Ravenna has been fixed
    • Entrance signs have been restored and installed.

Next meeting: 1/29/24

Adjournment 8:20

Action Items:

  • Dennis to respond to [redacted] email
  • Dennis to respond to 9972 with approval
  • Tom to check school schedule for ice-cream social timing
  • Dave to re-write Vegetable Garden Policy and send to Board

October 16, 2023

GPHA Minutes October 16, 2023

Attendees: Board Members: Dennis Kaplan, Tom Weirich, Dave Allerton, Lisa Light
Residents: Ingrida Mourzine 10355 Andover, Raj Taneja

Call to Order:

Minutes for July 10, 2023; approved


  • Treasurer’s Report was reviewed by Dennis. Balance is $36,346.40. Dues all accounted for; all late fees have been charged
  • No Website updates. Dave to contact Jed with updates

New and Ongoing Business:

  • Solar Panels: Dennis mentioned the checklist from attorney; board needs to review and submit at next meeting
  • Vegetable Gardens: Reviewed Dave’s policy proposal. Tom updated using AI. Dave to review again and resubmit at next meeting

Resident Participation:

  • Ingrida Mourzine and Rak Taneja provided input on gardens and solar panels


  • Dennis still working with fence company to fix the fence. Have been hard to get a hold of. We had a discussion on homeowner tree mainainance to avoid tree falling on fence.
  • Dennis still working with sign company to paint main entrance sign.

  • Next meeting – 12/4/23

  • Meeting Adjourned: 8:11

Action Items:

  • Dennis to continue follow up on damaged fence.
  • Board to review Solar Panel checklist and review next meeting
  • Dave to re-write Vegetable Garden Policy and send to Board
  • Dave to contact Jed with website updates

August 28, 2023

GPHA Minutes August 28, 2023

Location: Center on the Square
Attendees: Board Members: Dennis Kaplan, Tom Weirich, Dave Allerton
Residents: Ingrida Mourzine 10355 Andover, Raj Taneja

Call to Order:

Minutes for July 10, 2023; approved


  • Treasurer’s Report was reviewed by Dennis. Dave asked about approx. cost to fix fence. Dennis to check.

New and Ongoing Business:

  • Solar Panels: Panels on rear of house approved. Tom to submit draft of Solar Panel Policy to Board for review.
  • Vegetable Gardens: Ingrid provided feedback on a proposed garden policy. Dave to create a policy to submit to Board for review.
  • Ice Cream Social: Dennis to provide a check for Ice cream Vender (100 servings)

Resident Participation:

  • Ingrida Mourzine (questions/input on vegetable gardens)

Executive Session – Pending Litigation Update and Budget:

  • Foreclosure on possible abandoned and foreclosure of 9972 Parkland; owner has 30 days to respond from previous email or else foreclosure process begins
  • 1375 Silverdale on corner; 5000$ they owe will be paid over 5 y period once sold
  • 1383 Silverdale (next door) also behind on dues and legal procedures pending

  • Next meeting – 10/16/23

  • Meeting Adjourned: 7:57

Action Items:

  • Dennis to bring check for ice cream over to Dave
  • Dennis to follow up on damaged fence.
  • Tom to write draft Solar Panel Policy and send to Board
  • Dave to write Vegetable Garden Policy and send to Board

July 10, 2023

GPHA Minutes July 10, 2023

Board Members:
Dennis, Jed, Dave, Tom


Call to Order:

Recurring Business:

Treasurers Report: $49,024.78 in the account
Design Review: Nothing to report
– Playground question
Website Update: Need to post pictures of new sign

New and Ongoing Business:

Solar Panels
– We will send out a letter to gauge interest
– – Jed to write opinion letter and create survey link by EOD Tuesday
– – Dennis to print envelopes (FedEx?)

– Maximum size restriction (100 sqft?)
– Fencing materials restrictions
– Pole style restrictions
– Visual blocking from sidewalk

Rental Properties
– Dennis to talk with the attorneys on options to restrict

Next meeting – Aug 28

Excuse Absent Members:

Meeting Adjourned: 8:26

May 5, 2023

GPHA Minutes May 5, 2023

Board Members:
Dennis, Jed, Lisa

Joao (John)

Call to Order:

Recurring Business:

Treasurers Report: $55,197.62 in the account
– $500ish behind compared to last year (approx 6 residents)
Design Review: Nothing to report
– Playground question
– House with big addition
– House expanding into non-property in back yard – fenced in garden
Website Update: Need to post pictures of new sign

New and Ongoing Business:

Foreclosure on 1375 Silverdale
– Bank is repetitioning for foreclosure

Solar Panels
– Currently we can direct placement, style, etc, but cannot prohibit
– We can ammend by-laws (75%) to prohibit or allow
– Send out survey to gather a vote
– – Need 75% of 268 houses to vote to prohibit
– – If not, then we default back to first point
Ohio SB61 law regarding solar panels

– Internal agreement on allowing gardens, but need to establish some guidelines for presentation
– – Jed and Joao to look at fencing styles at HD/Lowes and other HOAs

Discussion with person installing garden in back yard
– Question on if he is within his property line
– Dennis waiting to hear from him about where lines are
– Homeowner waiting to hear about garden guidelines

Garage Sale
– Jed to make sign-up sheet and post on both FB groups
– – Also post link on
– Jed to put sign up in entrance to advertise

Replacements for ornamental poles to be installed

Garage Sale
– June 9-10 – Friday night 6-8 – all day Saturday 8-3

Ice Cream Social
– August 20 – 6-8

Next meeting – July 10

Excuse Absent Members:
Tom, Dave

Meeting Adjourned: 8:05

April 10, 2023

Board Members:
Dennis, Jed, Lisa, Dave


Call to Order:

Recurring Business:

Treasurers Report: $53,492.46 in the account
– $1,325 behind compared to last year (approx 9 residents)
Design Review: Nothing to report
– Playground question
– House with big addition
– House expanding into non-property in back yard – fenced in garden
Website Update: Nothing to report

New and Ongoing Business:

Replacements for ornamental poles, to be installed
– Do we even need these? Dennis to follow up

Parkland house, possibly abandoned?
– We’ve sent notices maintenance
– Following procedure to lead up to lein, then foreclosure

Discussion on Beautiful House Award
– Hope to move on it some day
– Lack of volunteers to run program
– New Idea:
– – Just do thank you notes?
– – – Send out a dozen or so at once

Dog park idea
– Been discussed previously, cost and space issues

New sign
– Should be delivered and installed soon

New plantings in front entrance
– Vincas in center islands

Garage Sale
– June 9-10 – Friday night 6-8 – all day Saturday 8-3

Ice Cream Social
– August 20 – 6-8

Davey Tree
– Price increases – in line with inflation
– Missed flowers along fence – they’ll get next time
– Cul de sac – did they mulch Deerfield?

Next meeting – May 22

Meeting Adjourned: 8:05

January 23, 2023

Board Members:
Dennis, Jed, Lisa

Excused Members:
Tom, Dave

Call to Order:

Recurring Business:

Treasurers Report – $31,635.84 in the account
Design Review: Nothing to report
Website Update: Nothing to report

New and Ongoing Business:

Streetlights out on Belmeadow
– There was a short underground that is being worked on, but the crews have other priorities
– Residents advised to call and complain to Ohio Edison

Parkland House still needs attention

Front Entrance
– Planting Vinca Bushes in islands
– – Phase one done
– – Phase two to begin in Spring – Fill in more area the gardener missed

Pollinator Gardens
– Spoke with printer, have order ready to go
– Dennis to secure bracket/post

Front Entrance Sign
– To be installed Spring 2023 (maybe April)

Resident Participation


Next public meeting – March 6

Meeting Adjourned: 8:02

November 14th, 2022

Board Members:
Dennis, Jed, Lisa

Excused Members:
Tom, Dave

Geraldine, Orlan

Call to Order:

Recurring Business:

Treasurers Report – $29,479.28 in the account
– Outstanding bills to Davey
– Attorney’s fees due (yearly)

Design Review: A few approvals, nothing noteworthy

Website Update: Nothing to report

New and Ongoing Business:

Parkland House still needs attention

Front Entrance
– Planted Vinca Bushes in islands

Pollinator Gardens
– Spoke with printer, have order ready to go
– Dennis to seure bracket/post

Front Entrance Sign
– Moving forward on quote for new build, same design
– To be installed Spring 2023 (maybe April)

Beautiful House Award
– On hold until someone can take it up

Resident Participation

Ideas for improvements next year:
– Gaga ball pit
– Trail to frog pond (Belmeadow)
– Trail to creek (Dayflower)
– Shortcut through woods to playground
– Excercise stops near playgrounds(similar to set up at Glenmeadow Park)
– Dog park – attached to playground or separate
– Improvements to cul-de-sac mulch areas
– Need more swings at Dayflower Park
– Wasps nest above swingsets on Dayflower Park – call parks or service department

Budgeting meeting – Dec
Next public meeting – Jan 23

Meeting Adjourned: 7:32

September 12, 2022

Board Members:
Dennis, Jed, Lisa, Tom


Call to Order:

Recurring Business:

Treasurers Report – $41,043.82 in the account
– Still to pay mulch for Davey
– Some houses pay but still a few outstanding collections
– Attorney’s fees due (yearly)

Design Review: A few approvals, nothing noteworthy

Website Update: Nothing to report

New and Ongoing Business:

Dennis to update all instances of old email address to new

Maintenance Walkthrough
– Completed Sunday the 4th
– Letters went out

Front Entrance
– Planting Vinca Bushes in islands in fall

Pollinator Gardens
– Spoke with printer, thoughts on making our own frame
– Seeking quotes from sign companies

Front Entrance Sign
– Moving forward on quote for new build, same design

Ice Cream Social
– Discussion on fliers for next year to get more awareness

Beautiful House Award
– On hold until someone can take it up.

– Potential regulations
– – Size restrictions
– – Materials –
– – – Has to match roof, siding, color of house
– – – Not allowed to hang or stack anything on sides
– – – Must have concrete pad
– Question on who will regulate and maintain compliance
– – Roll into existing Maintenance Policy
– Exceptions/Regulations for corner houses?

Next meeting – Nov 14th

Resident Participation

Meeting Adjourned: 8:00

July 11, 2022

Board Members:
Dennis, Jed, Dave, Tom

Al, Dave

Call to Order:

Recurring Business:

Treasurers Report – $44,470.99 in the bank
– Three houses sent notices for liens
– Other houses paid off properly

Design Review: A few approvals, nothing noteworthy

Website Update: Domain moved onto NameCheap, all together in my account

New and Ongoing Business:

Discussion on possibly abandoned houses
– Grass is being cut, no action needed, although we will continue to monitor.

Discussion on house that was inherited from deceased previous owner
– Waiting for action, Dennis to double check.

Beautiful House Award
– On hold until someone can take it up.

Front Entrance
– Planting Vinca Bushes in islands in fall.

Pollinator Gardens
– Found sign producer, should be ready in a few weeks.
– – Has neat QR code to learn more.

Fixing Current Entrance Sign
– Fixed up with new paint and caulk. Good for another year.

New Entrance Sign
– Easy Sign Group
– 12 week lead time
– – Design Ideas
– – – Cut in design vs. sandblast look (current).
– – – Built in lighting from the top?
– – – first idea is $6500.
– – – artwork recreation is approx $100.
– – – – board and residents in attendance agree to keep look just update materials.

Garage Sale
– Complaints about being on same date as Ethans Green.
– – There is always some big neighborhood.
– – Possible that Ethans Green pulls more traffic in anyway.
– Lots of traffic, seemed like a good event.
– Friday during the day is no good.
– – We should plan for Friday night, Saturday day, Sunday morning.
– Dave to manage next year.

Ice Cream Social
– Scheduled for August 21, 5-7.
– Deposit Paid.
– Signage at front and back entrance, directional at end of Dayflower.
– – Dave to manage signs

Question from Resident about Block party
– Need someone to plan.
– Budget-conscience.
– – Discussion on having a party for the neighborhood when not everyone will attend.
– – – Decision to open up for more input before the event to determine what is an appropriate budget/plan.

Discussion on Resident Requesting Gun LLC – FFL (Federal Firearm License) – 1383 Silverdale
– Initial hearing was delayed.
– – Hearing has not been rescheduled.
– Concern of online sales vs foot traffic to house.
– We can’t act until we know what the proposed business is.

Next meeting – September 12th

Resident Participation

Concerns about traffic
– Speeding on Belmeadow.
– – They’ve called police already, asked for more patrols.
– – More residents need to complain to police, consistently.

– Residents argued need for more storage space.
– Concern about maintenance.
– – Adding it to the Maintenance Policy?
– – – Additional restrictions for houses that would have backyards running along streets (on corners and intersections)?
– Suggestion to request variance from city to allow garage extensions closer to property lines, so residents can extend garage instead of building shed.
– – The cost for this would be prohibitive.
– To change the by-laws requires majority vote from households in neighborhood.
– Tom to write draft proposal.

Cars being targeted on cul-de-sac
– Worry about break-ins.
– Residents advised to call police as much as possible to increase attention and patrols.

Meeting Adjourned: 8:45