January 29, 2024

GPHA Minutes January 29, 2024

Location: Center on the Square
Attendees: Board Members: Dennis Kaplan, Dave Allerton, Lisa Light
Residents: Mr. and Mrs. John Nowak

  1. Call to order 7:02
  2. Minutes for December 11 2023; approved
  3. Communication
    • Treasurer’s Report was reviewed by Dennis. Balance is $35,244.42

New Business

  1. Solar Panels: No discussion.
  2. Vegetable Gardens: No discussion.
  3. 9972 Parkland: Now going with standard asphalt shingles rather than metal.
  4. Garage Sale: Second weekend in June; Lisa will look into permit.
  5. Ice Cream Social: August 18th.
  6. Miscellaneous:
    • Dennis is moving, possibly within several months. Will need new board president as well as treasurer.
    • John Nowak introduced his painting company and stated his availability.

Next meeting: 3/18/24

Adjournment 7:30

Action Items:

  • Lisa to look into permit for garage sale.

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