August 28, 2023

GPHA Minutes August 28, 2023

Location: Center on the Square
Attendees: Board Members: Dennis Kaplan, Tom Weirich, Dave Allerton
Residents: Ingrida Mourzine 10355 Andover, Raj Taneja

Call to Order:

Minutes for July 10, 2023; approved


  • Treasurer’s Report was reviewed by Dennis. Dave asked about approx. cost to fix fence. Dennis to check.

New and Ongoing Business:

  • Solar Panels: Panels on rear of house approved. Tom to submit draft of Solar Panel Policy to Board for review.
  • Vegetable Gardens: Ingrid provided feedback on a proposed garden policy. Dave to create a policy to submit to Board for review.
  • Ice Cream Social: Dennis to provide a check for Ice cream Vender (100 servings)

Resident Participation:

  • Ingrida Mourzine (questions/input on vegetable gardens)

Executive Session – Pending Litigation Update and Budget:

  • Foreclosure on possible abandoned and foreclosure of 9972 Parkland; owner has 30 days to respond from previous email or else foreclosure process begins
  • 1375 Silverdale on corner; 5000$ they owe will be paid over 5 y period once sold
  • 1383 Silverdale (next door) also behind on dues and legal procedures pending

  • Next meeting – 10/16/23

  • Meeting Adjourned: 7:57

Action Items:

  • Dennis to bring check for ice cream over to Dave
  • Dennis to follow up on damaged fence.
  • Tom to write draft Solar Panel Policy and send to Board
  • Dave to write Vegetable Garden Policy and send to Board

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