October 16, 2023

GPHA Minutes October 16, 2023

Attendees: Board Members: Dennis Kaplan, Tom Weirich, Dave Allerton, Lisa Light
Residents: Ingrida Mourzine 10355 Andover, Raj Taneja

Call to Order:

Minutes for July 10, 2023; approved


  • Treasurer’s Report was reviewed by Dennis. Balance is $36,346.40. Dues all accounted for; all late fees have been charged
  • No Website updates. Dave to contact Jed with updates

New and Ongoing Business:

  • Solar Panels: Dennis mentioned the checklist from attorney; board needs to review and submit at next meeting
  • Vegetable Gardens: Reviewed Dave’s policy proposal. Tom updated using AI. Dave to review again and resubmit at next meeting

Resident Participation:

  • Ingrida Mourzine and Rak Taneja provided input on gardens and solar panels


  • Dennis still working with fence company to fix the fence. Have been hard to get a hold of. We had a discussion on homeowner tree mainainance to avoid tree falling on fence.
  • Dennis still working with sign company to paint main entrance sign.

  • Next meeting – 12/4/23

  • Meeting Adjourned: 8:11

Action Items:

  • Dennis to continue follow up on damaged fence.
  • Board to review Solar Panel checklist and review next meeting
  • Dave to re-write Vegetable Garden Policy and send to Board
  • Dave to contact Jed with website updates

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