July 11, 2022

Board Members:
Dennis, Jed, Dave, Tom

Al, Dave

Call to Order:

Recurring Business:

Treasurers Report – $44,470.99 in the bank
– Three houses sent notices for liens
– Other houses paid off properly

Design Review: A few approvals, nothing noteworthy

Website Update: Domain moved onto NameCheap, all together in my account

New and Ongoing Business:

Discussion on possibly abandoned houses
– Grass is being cut, no action needed, although we will continue to monitor.

Discussion on house that was inherited from deceased previous owner
– Waiting for action, Dennis to double check.

Beautiful House Award
– On hold until someone can take it up.

Front Entrance
– Planting Vinca Bushes in islands in fall.

Pollinator Gardens
– Found sign producer, should be ready in a few weeks.
– – Has neat QR code to learn more.

Fixing Current Entrance Sign
– Fixed up with new paint and caulk. Good for another year.

New Entrance Sign
– Easy Sign Group
– 12 week lead time
– – Design Ideas
– – – Cut in design vs. sandblast look (current).
– – – Built in lighting from the top?
– – – first idea is $6500.
– – – artwork recreation is approx $100.
– – – – board and residents in attendance agree to keep look just update materials.

Garage Sale
– Complaints about being on same date as Ethans Green.
– – There is always some big neighborhood.
– – Possible that Ethans Green pulls more traffic in anyway.
– Lots of traffic, seemed like a good event.
– Friday during the day is no good.
– – We should plan for Friday night, Saturday day, Sunday morning.
– Dave to manage next year.

Ice Cream Social
– Scheduled for August 21, 5-7.
– Deposit Paid.
– Signage at front and back entrance, directional at end of Dayflower.
– – Dave to manage signs

Question from Resident about Block party
– Need someone to plan.
– Budget-conscience.
– – Discussion on having a party for the neighborhood when not everyone will attend.
– – – Decision to open up for more input before the event to determine what is an appropriate budget/plan.

Discussion on Resident Requesting Gun LLC – FFL (Federal Firearm License) – 1383 Silverdale
– Initial hearing was delayed.
– – Hearing has not been rescheduled.
– Concern of online sales vs foot traffic to house.
– We can’t act until we know what the proposed business is.

Next meeting – September 12th

Resident Participation

Concerns about traffic
– Speeding on Belmeadow.
– – They’ve called police already, asked for more patrols.
– – More residents need to complain to police, consistently.

– Residents argued need for more storage space.
– Concern about maintenance.
– – Adding it to the Maintenance Policy?
– – – Additional restrictions for houses that would have backyards running along streets (on corners and intersections)?
– Suggestion to request variance from city to allow garage extensions closer to property lines, so residents can extend garage instead of building shed.
– – The cost for this would be prohibitive.
– To change the by-laws requires majority vote from households in neighborhood.
– Tom to write draft proposal.

Cars being targeted on cul-de-sac
– Worry about break-ins.
– Residents advised to call police as much as possible to increase attention and patrols.

Meeting Adjourned: 8:45

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