September 12, 2022

Board Members:
Dennis, Jed, Lisa, Tom


Call to Order:

Recurring Business:

Treasurers Report – $41,043.82 in the account
– Still to pay mulch for Davey
– Some houses pay but still a few outstanding collections
– Attorney’s fees due (yearly)

Design Review: A few approvals, nothing noteworthy

Website Update: Nothing to report

New and Ongoing Business:

Dennis to update all instances of old email address to new

Maintenance Walkthrough
– Completed Sunday the 4th
– Letters went out

Front Entrance
– Planting Vinca Bushes in islands in fall

Pollinator Gardens
– Spoke with printer, thoughts on making our own frame
– Seeking quotes from sign companies

Front Entrance Sign
– Moving forward on quote for new build, same design

Ice Cream Social
– Discussion on fliers for next year to get more awareness

Beautiful House Award
– On hold until someone can take it up.

– Potential regulations
– – Size restrictions
– – Materials –
– – – Has to match roof, siding, color of house
– – – Not allowed to hang or stack anything on sides
– – – Must have concrete pad
– Question on who will regulate and maintain compliance
– – Roll into existing Maintenance Policy
– Exceptions/Regulations for corner houses?

Next meeting – Nov 14th

Resident Participation

Meeting Adjourned: 8:00

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