May 5th, 2024

GPHA Minutes May 5th, 2024

Board Members:
Dave, Jed, Lisa

Call to Order:

Recurring Business:

Treasurers Report:
– Still getting into Quickbooks capabilities, but numbers look good

Design Review:
– Privacy fence
– – Possibly require neighbor’s approval? No, would become problematic.
– – Suggest trees instead?
– – – Finish discussion offline
– Resident – replacing deck board and railing
– – Approved pending application submission
– Dave’s deck
– – Approved
– Resident – new fence
– – Application tentatively approved, Board to discuss after

Old Business:

Password changes on Bank, Kaman & Cuisimano, Quickbooks
– QB will hopefully be resolved once form is submitted to remove Dennis
– – Need to pay yearly bill
– – Set up autopay?
– Bank – Jed to speak with bank to be assigned as ‘superuser’ on account

Gmail account has been shared to all board members

Stationery made

Future meeting location – To be at the Community Center?
– Dave to look into further
– Once or twice a year at a restaurant

Maintenance walkthrough – June
– Need to revise letter that is sent out
– Put up sign beforehand to let residents know it is coming
– Possibly send mailer as well? Dave to look into cost for bulk mailing

Resident idea to establish email list of residents

Two houses of concern
– House that was on fire
– Parkland house
– – Dave reached out to both, no response. Will look into next steps

Garage Sale
– June 7-8 – Friday night 6-8 – all day Saturday 8-3
– Lisa got form, Dave will fill out and return

Ice Cream Social
– August 18 – 6-8
– – Jed reached out to two venders, will continue to gather information
– Resident suggestion – Mitchells, Ritas (in Streetsboro), Strickland

Garden Policy
– Need for resident survey
– – Dave to polish his version, Jed to put on facebook for basic survey
– Points of contention
– – Fence styles, size, material
– – – eight feet
– – Location on property
– – No visible equipment
– – Clearing bed by certain time of year

House with improperly cleared trees
– Board to discuss online

Solar Panel Policy
– No need for written policy
– Subject to Design Review

New and Ongoing Business:

Davey Tree behind schedule
– We need to quote for other companies
– We’re paid through this year
– – Resident suggested Reynolds
– Dave to send proposals out

Discussion on board communication
– emails to residents should go through the official gmail account with no personal signature

Ideas to improve the neighborhood
– Food truck
– Holiday get-togethers
– – Special Halloween
– – Parade

Need for more resident support
– Facebook postings
– Letterboard
– Mailings during the year?
– “Have an idea?” form on website
– tease opportunities for stuff like the block party

Discussion on sheds and amending bylaws

Next meeting – June 11

Meeting Adjourned: 8:30

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