July 10, 2023

GPHA Minutes July 10, 2023

Board Members:
Dennis, Jed, Dave, Tom


Call to Order:

Recurring Business:

Treasurers Report: $49,024.78 in the account
Design Review: Nothing to report
– Playground question
Website Update: Need to post pictures of new sign

New and Ongoing Business:

Solar Panels
– We will send out a letter to gauge interest
– – Jed to write opinion letter and create survey link by EOD Tuesday
– – Dennis to print envelopes (FedEx?)

– Maximum size restriction (100 sqft?)
– Fencing materials restrictions
– Pole style restrictions
– Visual blocking from sidewalk

Rental Properties
– Dennis to talk with the attorneys on options to restrict

Next meeting – Aug 28

Excuse Absent Members:

Meeting Adjourned: 8:26

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