September 19, 2024

GPHA Minutes September 19, 2024

Board Members:
Dave, Jed, Lisa

Dave Montgomery

Call to Order: 7:05

Recurring Business:

Treasurers Report:

  • bank balance = $39,661.96
  • Late statements went out July
  • Next batch going out in October

Design Review:

  • None

Ongoing and New Business:

Fire House discussion

  • Dave to reach out to city for guidance/assistance.

Future meetings

  • To be held at Sixth City, pending owner approval.
  • At least one at a restaurant to encourage resident attendance.
  • Change to quarterly?

Walkthrough follow-up

  • 71 letters sent. A handful of complaints and questions.
  • Discussion on basketball poles, garbage cans, and satellite dishes.
  • Secondary walkthrough to check houses that had violations.
  • Dave to then send secound round of letters with direction to email us when they’ve completed tasks.


  • We need resident feedback before writing a policy.
  • Discussion on potential policy.
  • Tom and Dave to doublecheck requirements for changing bylaws.

Idea of sending postcard to neighborhood with general information and action items

  • One-page newsletter with yearly bill.
  • Interest gathering for sheds.
  • Announcement for new Garden Policy.

Ice Cream Social feedback

  • Comparable attendance to last year.
  • Product was good.
  • Need for permit next year.

Landscaping contracts

  • Received contact from Davey.
  • Questionable if they are fulfilling duties.
  • Jed to write up new bid to send around.
  • Need to bid out for next year.

Yearly Budget for 2025

  • Dave to write.

Research on management companies

  • Full managment companies are very expensive.
  • Accounting agency is more affordable.
  • Jed to research and make bids for accounttants.

Ideas to improve neighborhood (carryover from last month)

  • Halloween party?
  • Bowling
  • Wine and paint

Need for resident support (carryover from last month)

  • Website ideas
  • Facebook activity
  • “Have an idea?” form on site
  • etc.

Next meeting – At Brewsters, sometime in early December

Meeting Adjourned: 8:15

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