GPHA Minutes December 11, 2023
Location: Center on the Square
Attendees: Board Members: Dennis Kaplan, Tom Weirich, Dave Allerton, Lisa Light
- Call to order 7:00
- Minutes for November 11 2023; approved
- Communication Treasurer’s Report was reviewed by Dennis. Balance is $30,166.66.
- delinquent dues total this year
New Business
- Solar Panels: No discussion
- Vegetable Gardens: Discussion on where gardens should be placed. Agreed that nearer the house rather than out in the middle of the yard is better aesthetics for neighbors in the back. Also, re-word the item about tools. Plan is to publish the policy in March/April and enforce in existing gardens. Perhaps allow side yard gardens if masked by landscaping
- Discussed 12/9 email from [redacted] complaint about a number of houses that do not appear to be compliant with policy, and their concern that board is not enforcing it. Dennis discussed that we indeed have a process for such properties, and are in the process of addressing some of the issues.
- Discussion on 9972 Parkland design review. Board approved it providing fasteners of metal roofing are not visible, i.e., smooth ridges.
- 9906 Parkland window design approved
- Miscellaneous:
- Fence along Ravenna has been fixed
- Entrance signs have been restored and installed.
Next meeting: 1/29/24
Adjournment 8:20
Action Items:
- Dennis to respond to [redacted] email
- Dennis to respond to 9972 with approval
- Tom to check school schedule for ice-cream social timing
- Dave to re-write Vegetable Garden Policy and send to Board