May 5, 2023

GPHA Minutes May 5, 2023

Board Members:
Dennis, Jed, Lisa

Joao (John)

Call to Order:

Recurring Business:

Treasurers Report: $55,197.62 in the account
– $500ish behind compared to last year (approx 6 residents)
Design Review: Nothing to report
– Playground question
– House with big addition
– House expanding into non-property in back yard – fenced in garden
Website Update: Need to post pictures of new sign

New and Ongoing Business:

Foreclosure on 1375 Silverdale
– Bank is repetitioning for foreclosure

Solar Panels
– Currently we can direct placement, style, etc, but cannot prohibit
– We can ammend by-laws (75%) to prohibit or allow
– Send out survey to gather a vote
– – Need 75% of 268 houses to vote to prohibit
– – If not, then we default back to first point
Ohio SB61 law regarding solar panels

– Internal agreement on allowing gardens, but need to establish some guidelines for presentation
– – Jed and Joao to look at fencing styles at HD/Lowes and other HOAs

Discussion with person installing garden in back yard
– Question on if he is within his property line
– Dennis waiting to hear from him about where lines are
– Homeowner waiting to hear about garden guidelines

Garage Sale
– Jed to make sign-up sheet and post on both FB groups
– – Also post link on
– Jed to put sign up in entrance to advertise

Replacements for ornamental poles to be installed

Garage Sale
– June 9-10 – Friday night 6-8 – all day Saturday 8-3

Ice Cream Social
– August 20 – 6-8

Next meeting – July 10

Excuse Absent Members:
Tom, Dave

Meeting Adjourned: 8:05

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