April 10, 2023

Board Members:
Dennis, Jed, Lisa, Dave


Call to Order:

Recurring Business:

Treasurers Report: $53,492.46 in the account
– $1,325 behind compared to last year (approx 9 residents)
Design Review: Nothing to report
– Playground question
– House with big addition
– House expanding into non-property in back yard – fenced in garden
Website Update: Nothing to report

New and Ongoing Business:

Replacements for ornamental poles, to be installed
– Do we even need these? Dennis to follow up

Parkland house, possibly abandoned?
– We’ve sent notices maintenance
– Following procedure to lead up to lein, then foreclosure

Discussion on Beautiful House Award
– Hope to move on it some day
– Lack of volunteers to run program
– New Idea:
– – Just do thank you notes?
– – – Send out a dozen or so at once

Dog park idea
– Been discussed previously, cost and space issues

New sign
– Should be delivered and installed soon

New plantings in front entrance
– Vincas in center islands

Garage Sale
– June 9-10 – Friday night 6-8 – all day Saturday 8-3

Ice Cream Social
– August 20 – 6-8

Davey Tree
– Price increases – in line with inflation
– Missed flowers along fence – they’ll get next time
– Cul de sac – did they mulch Deerfield?

Next meeting – May 22

Meeting Adjourned: 8:05

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